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The provincial trade promotion system deepening reform work site meeting was held in our city

Update time:2019/9/27 Number of page views: 2015

 925On the same day, the provincial trade promotion system deepening reform work site meeting was held in our city。会议深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,部署全省贸促系统深化改革工作任务。The meeting stressed that the province's trade promotion system should be guided by political construction, take the overall situation as the main line, and take deepening reform as an opportunity to continuously create a new situation in the development of trade promotion。Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) President Chen Zhen, Vice President Xie Xuhua, second Inspector Wu Zhiyuan, Secretary General Yang Liyun attended the meeting。


  陈震在会上讲话,他指出,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于深化党和国家机构改革的重要论述,切实把思想和行动统一到党中央改革决策部署上来。It is necessary to deeply understand the important discussion of the General Secretary on the significant achievements of the reform of Party and state institutions, and strive to enhance the confidence and determination to do a good job in the reform of the province's trade promotion system。

  Chen Zhen stressed that we must bear in mind that reform is always on the road, and always maintain the momentum of never satisfied and never slack in the reform of the system of trade promotion。The province's trade promotion system should shoulder the responsibility of reform, firmly grasp the correct direction of the reform of the trade promotion system, strengthen the construction of the industry as the general starting point of the work, consciously implement and consciously act in the comprehensive deepening of the reform, and further promote the comprehensive deepening of the reform to the depth of development。

  Chen zhen requirement,The provincial trade promotion system should constantly improve the ideological consciousness, political consciousness and action consciousness of reform,Try to solve the difficulties and problems faced by the reform of the trade promotion system,Meet difficulties head-on and overcome them,We will work hard to strengthen areas of weakness, strengthen areas of weakness, stimulate vitality, and implement them,To promote the systematic, integrated and coordinated reform of the province's trade promotion system;It is necessary to combine the ongoing educational requirements of the theme of "do not forget the original heart, remember the mission",Study and implement the spirit of the documents of The State Council and provincial governments on deepening the reform of trade promotion,Based on reality, we will unswervingly promote the reform of the trade promotion system to develop in depth.We must shoulder the responsibility of reform,All localities should intensify efforts to deepen reform,Strive to achieve the work pattern of co-management of the Party and government,Through reform and development,Give full play to the advantages of the Council for the Promotion of International Trade,Make new contributions to promoting the construction of a new pattern of comprehensive opening up in our province。


 Chen Muwang, president of the Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade, introduced key experiences on the deep reform work and main practices of the Sanming Council for the Promotion of International Trade, he said, thisThe provincial trade promotion system deepening reform work site meeting was held in Sanming City,It is the concern and love of the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Sanming,It is also the encouragement and spur to Sanming,Sanming CCPIT will take this meeting as an opportunity,Actively make use of the outcomes of the meeting,Strengthen reform at the community level,Innovation mechanism,Make up for work shortcomings,Make Sanming CCPIT constantly enhance organizational vitality, centripetal force, attraction and influence。


    The heads of relevant departments of the provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the heads of the municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade in the province and the heads of the county (city, district) in our city attended the meeting。The municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade reported the progress of their respective deepening reform work, and Yong 'an City of Sanming City and Jianning County Council for the Promotion of International Trade exchanged experience at the meeting。

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