Today is... Welcome to Sanming Committee of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade!

We will make new achievements in building a new trade power

Update time:2022/10/20 Number of page views: 1298

On the morning of October 16, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing。在习近平总书记代表第十九届中央委员会向党的二十大作报告的近2个小时里,雄伟的人民大会堂里,掌声阵阵;守在电视机前的万众,心潮澎湃。

"Exciting!Inspired!"The report of the Party's 20 National Congress triggered a warm response in the business community, "Ten years of achievement inspiring" became their common feeling, "grand blueprint inspiring" expressed their unanimous aspirations。Foreign trade people compete to tell their stories that resonate with the party, showing the firm determination of the business community to loyally support the leadership of the Party, and the hesitation and ambition of continuing to struggle on the new journey of building a trade power。

The Party has led us to great achievements in an extraordinary decade


China is moving forward from a big trading country to a strong trading country。"China has become a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions, ranking first in the world in terms of total trade in goods, leading the world in attracting foreign investment and outbound investment, and forming a broader, broader and deeper pattern of opening-up.。”习近平总书记在党的二十大报告中对中国外贸事业的长足发展予以充分肯定。

“习近平总书记对外贸成就的总结,让我们这些老外贸人深有感触。We are the contributor to the development of foreign trade, but also the beneficiary of the overall development of the country!"Talking about the feelings of listening to the Party's 20 major reports, Li Chaoqing, general manager of Foshan Wegshi Smart Home Co., Ltd. is still excited。

You don't know what you're going through。In today's world, the century-old changes are intertwined with the century-old epidemic, and economic globalization has encountered a "cold spell", the development of China's foreign trade is facing unprecedented challenges, and the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China has become a fixed star。"The last decade,China has been able to become and remain the world's number one trading nation,首要的一点就是有以习近平同志为核心的党中央的坚强领导,In the face of major challenges, major risks and enormous external pressure, the country can still maintain and have a peaceful and stable development environment,This is an important guarantee for the rapid development of China's foreign trade。The firm words of Jiang Xiaodong, general manager of Liaoning Jimei Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd. make people move。

Jiang Xiaodong told reporters that under the influence of multiple adverse factors, the company continued to develop steadily。"This is due to the leadership of the Party and the state, the care of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, and the strong support of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Commerce to the company.。The Provincial Department has introduced a lot of policies to benefit enterprises, and actively helped many enterprises to expand new trade channels, effectively coping with the problem of poor traditional trade channels caused by the epidemic, which is an important guarantee for the company to maintain the development of export trade。”

"There is a government bailout to solve the problem, and the employees are united as one, so that Changhong, which has a history of more than 60 years, has found certainty in the uncertainty.。As a participant and contributor in the cause of foreign trade, Changhong is full of confidence, in the face of changes and difficulties, we take the initiative to respond positively, and make positive contributions to "Made in China" to the world。Changhong Holding Group spokesman Rao Binbin told reporters,By "Going out",Changhong has developed from a home appliance company that once focused on the domestic market into a well-known multinational enterprise today,It realizes the global development of product research and development, production and manufacturing, operation and management, and integration of resources,Changhong brand has also gradually developed from a regional household appliance brand into a global brand with certain international influence。

Ten years of trials and hardships, ten years of forging ahead。The vivid examples of Chinese enterprises rising to the difficulties and creating great achievements fully prove that the great achievements of the new era are made by the Party and the people working together。

On the new journey, I will strive for greater victory

The Report of the Party's 20th National Congress has drawn a grand blueprint for China's realization of the second centenary Goal and pointed out the way forward。

"The next five years will be a crucial period for comprehensively building a modern socialist country.,It is a great and arduous undertaking,Have a bright future,"We must enhance our awareness of potential dangers,Stick to bottom-line thinking,Be prepared for danger and prepare for a rainy day,Prepare to withstand the great test of high wind and high waves and even rough seas "...

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Party proposed to "promote a high level of opening up, steadily expand the institutional opening of rules, regulations, management, standards, and so on, and accelerate the construction of a trade power," which once again ignited the ambitions of entrepreneurs

"To promote a high level of opening up to the outside world and accelerate the construction of a trade power, foreign trade export enterprises are the main body of struggle, and there is no shirkable responsibility.。Jiang Xiaodong told reporters that the main export of glass crafts, with product design as a highlight。"For a long time, the company adheres to innovation and development, and regards product design and development as an important breakthrough in the company's business development。Always adhere to the original design is the fundamental reason for the company's export growth, but also our practical actions for the construction of a trade power to make a positive contribution。”

Rao Binbin also said that in the future, Changhong will continue to promote the "Belt and Road" international cooperation with higher standards and stricter requirements, further strengthen the import and export system management, do better and stronger import and export trade, and strive to practice the enterprise mission of "industry serving the country", and strive to promote Changhong products throughout the world stage。

In Li Chaoqing's view, from a trading country to a trading power, this is the requirement of the process of quantitative change to qualitative change。"Over the years, we have mainly focused on the European, American and Australian markets, and actively explored the markets of South America, the Middle East and Africa, and actively participated in the joint construction of the 'Belt and Road' and worked hard to forge ahead.。In the future, as an industry and trade integrated enterprise, we must increase investment in design and research and development, strengthen product innovation, improve enterprise production efficiency, and make greater efforts in the digital development of enterprises。In promoting foreign trade, we must be confident and independent, strictly control product quality, and strive to enhance the gold content of "made in China"。”

Industry is duty-bound to serve the country。With endless vows and great strides forward, Chinese foreign trade people will work hard and diligently on the new journey 踔厉 to strive for greater victory and glory!

(Source: International Business Daily)

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