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Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on deepening the Comprehensive strategic Partnership of Coordination in the New Era

Update time:2023/3/22 Number of page views: 468

        应俄罗斯联邦总统普京邀请,中华人民共和国主席习近平于2023年3月20日至22日对俄罗斯联邦进行国事访问。The two presidents held talks in Moscow。习近平主席还同俄罗斯联邦政府总理米舒斯京举行会见。

  The People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties"), declare as follows:


  Thanks to the unremitting efforts of both sides, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era has reached an all-time high and continues to move forward。The two sides reaffirmed their adherence to the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation signed on July 16, 2001, the Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on the 20th Anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between China and Russia issued on June 28, 2021, and the People's Republic of China and Russia issued on February 4, 2022The Joint Statement of the Sri Lankan Federation on International Relations and Global Sustainable Development in the New Era defines the principles and spirit of developing bilateral relations。

  The two sides pointed out that China-Russia relations are not similar to the military and political alliance of the Cold War period, but go beyond that model of state-to-state relations and are non-aligned, non-confrontational and not directed against any third country。China-russia relations are mature, stable, independent and resilient. They have withstood the test of the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in the international landscape, showing vitality despite external influence。The friendship between the two peoples from generation to generation has a solid foundation and the all-round cooperation between the two countries enjoys broad prospects。Russia needs a prosperous and stable China, and China needs a strong and successful Russia。

  China and Russia regard each other as priority partners, always respect each other and treat each other as equals, which has become a model for today's major-country relations。Under the guidance of the heads of state's diplomacy, the two sides have maintained close exchanges at all levels, conducted in-depth communication on major issues of mutual concern, enhanced mutual trust and ensured that bilateral relations are always operating at a high level. The two sides are willing to further deepen bilateral relations and develop dialogue mechanisms in various fields。

  Both sides state that,The current world changes are accelerating,The international landscape has undergone profound adjustments,Peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit are the irresistible trend of history,A multi-polar international landscape is taking shape at a faster pace,The position of emerging markets and developing countries has generally been strengthened,More and more regional powers with global influence are determined to defend their legitimate rights and interests。At the same time, hegemonism, unilateralism and protectionism are still rampant, and it is unacceptable to replace universally recognized principles and norms of international law with a "rules-based order"。

  We should uphold the principles of universality, openness, inclusiveness, non-discrimination and accommodating the interests of all parties to achieve a multi-polar world and sustainable development of all countries。China and Russia call on all countries to promote the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, dialogue rather than confrontation, inclusiveness rather than exclusion, harmonious coexistence and win-win cooperation, and promote world peace and development。

  Under such circumstances, the two sides have maintained close diplomatic coordination, carried out close multilateral coordination, resolutely defended fairness and justice, and promoted the building of a new type of international relations。

  The two sides stressed that consolidating and deepening China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era is a strategic choice made by both sides based on their respective national conditions, which conforms to the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, conforms to the trend of The Times and is free from external influence。The parties will:

  -- Guided by the consensus reached by the two heads of state, we will ensure that bilateral relations always move in the right direction。

  -- We have given each other firm support in safeguarding our respective core interests, first and foremost on issues of sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and development。

  -- Uphold the principle of mutual benefit, continue to deepen and expand practical cooperation in the process of modernization, achieve common development and prosperity, and bring more benefits to the Chinese and Russian people。

  -- Promoting mutual understanding and amity between the two peoples and consolidating the popular support for our everlasting friendship。

  -- Promote a multi-polar world, economic globalization and democracy in international relations, and make global governance more just and equitable。


  The two sides pointed out that each country has the right to independently choose its own path of development as it differs in history, culture and national conditions。There is no such thing as "democracy" that is superior to others. The two sides oppose the imposition of their own values on others, ideological lines, the false narrative of "democracy versus authoritarianism", and the use of democracy and freedom as an excuse or political tool to pressure other countries。Russia attaches great importance to China's global civilization initiative。

  The two sides pointed out that the realization of human rights for all is the common pursuit of human society。All countries have the right to independently choose the path of human rights development. Different civilizations and countries should respect, tolerate, exchange and learn from each other。The two sides will unswervingly advance the cause of human rights at home and around the world。

  Russia supports China's efforts to achieve Chinese-style modernization。China supports Russia in achieving its national development goals by 2030。

  Both sides oppose external interference in internal affairs。

  Russia reiterates its adherence to the One-China principle, recognizes Taiwan as an inalienable part of Chinese territory, opposes "Taiwan independence" in any form, and firmly supports China's measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity。

  The two sides agreed to strengthen the exchange of foreign rule of law and legislative experience to provide legal guarantee for the development of China-Russia relations and bilateral cooperation with foreign countries。

  The two sides will continue to conduct a dialogue of mutual trust between the Central authorities and their subordinate agencies, as well as between high-level representatives under the framework of the Strategic Security Consultation and law enforcement security cooperation mechanism。The two sides will promote exchanges between political parties of the two countries。

  The two sides agreed to hold an annual meeting of the ministers of public security and Internal Affairs through consultation to strengthen cooperation in law enforcement in preventing "color revolution", combating the "three evil forces" including the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement", transnational organized crimes, economic crimes and drug crimes。

  The two sides will regularly organize joint maritime and air patrols and joint exercises and training, strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two militaries, including under existing bilateral mechanisms, and further deepen military mutual trust。

  The two sides attach great importance to safeguarding the security and rights and interests of overseas personnel and institutions of the two countries, and will further promote bilateral and multilateral mechanism building and counterpart exchanges, and constantly expand the ways and areas of cooperation on the security protection of overseas citizens, projects and institutions。


  The two sides will strengthen coordination, adopt targeted policies, proceed from a strategic height, and earnestly upgrade the level of practical cooperation in various fields, so as to consolidate the material foundation of bilateral relations and bring benefits to the two peoples。

  The two sides will consolidate the growth momentum of bilateral trade,We will continue to improve the trade structure,Implement the Roadmap for the High-quality Development of China-Russia Trade in Goods and Services,We will support the development of e-commerce,We will foster new economic and trade growth areas,Expand economic and trade cooperation,Enhance cooperation efficiency,Minimize external risks,Ensure the stability and security of the industrial chain and supply chain。The two sides will deepen sub-national cooperation, expand cooperation areas and fields, and promote exchanges and cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises of the two sides。

  The two sides will steadily advance investment cooperation in various fields, optimize the business environment, improve legal protection, innovate cooperation modes, and deepen cooperation on digital economy and green and sustainable development。The two sides will continue to promote the compilation of the new version of the Outline of China-Russia Investment Cooperation Plan。

  The two sides welcomed the Joint Statement issued by the Ministry of Commerce of China and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia on December 5, 2022, on launching negotiations on upgrading the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation on the Promotion and Mutual Protection of Investment signed on November 9, 2006.,Negotiations on this will continue,We will improve investment protection,Promote investment facilitation,Create a more stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment for investors and their investments。

  The two sides will continue to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in the financial field, including ensuring smooth settlement between economic entities of the two countries, and supporting the expansion of the use of local currencies in bilateral trade, investment, credit and other economic and trade activities。

  The two sides will forge a closer energy partnership, support companies on both sides in advancing energy cooperation projects in oil, gas, coal, electricity and nuclear energy, and promote the implementation of initiatives that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including the use of low-emission energy and renewable energy。The two sides will jointly safeguard international energy security, including key cross-border infrastructure, maintain the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain of energy products, promote equitable energy transition and low-carbon development based on the principle of technology neutrality, and jointly contribute to the long-term healthy and stable development of the global energy market。

  The two sides will continue to carry out practical cooperation in civil aviation manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, metallurgy and other areas of common interest。

  The two sides will strengthen cooperation in the field of transportation, improve cross-border infrastructure, improve the capacity of port traffic, and ensure the stable operation of ports。The two sides will continue to support rail and sea freight transport between China and the EU through Russia to improve transport efficiency。

  The two sides will deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in areas of common interest in the space field, including the implementation of the 2023-2027 Space Cooperation Outline between the National Space Administration of the People's Republic of China and the State Aerospace Corporation of the Russian Federation.。

  The two sides will actively create convenience to increase the diversity and supply of agricultural products and food exported to each other。

  The two sides support the holding of the 7th China-Russia Expo in Yekaterinburg, Russia in 2023。

  China supports the integration process within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, and Russia supports the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.。The two sides have made joint efforts to actively promote the synergizing cooperation between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union, and strengthen connectivity in Asia and Europe。The two sides will continue to implement the Agreement on Economic and Trade Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Eurasian Economic Union signed on May 17, 2018.。

  The two sides are willing to continue to promote the parallel and coordinated development of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Greater Eurasian Partnership, promote bilateral and multilateral integration, and bring benefits to the people of all countries on the Eurasian continent。

  The two sides attach great importance to the implementation of the 2015 Mid-term Roadmap for Trilateral Cooperation in the Development of the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation and Mongolia and the 2016 Outline of the Plan for Building the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor,To further deepen the package cooperation among the three parties,Efforts will be made to further synergize this promising mechanism with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union and other regional organizations and mechanisms。The two sides will work together to promote the research and consultation on the new China-Mongolia-Russia natural gas pipeline project。

  The two sides agreed to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of anti-money laundering, including cooperation under multilateral frameworks。


  The two sides oppose politicization of international people-to-people and cultural cooperation and discrimination against persons in the fields of culture, education, science and sports on the basis of nationality, language, religion, political or other beliefs, ethnic or social origin。

  The two sides will make efforts to resume and expand offline people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, and constantly consolidate the friendship between the two peoples and the social foundation of bilateral relations。

  The two sides will deepen cooperation in education, promote the quality and efficiency of two-way study abroad, encourage cooperation between universities, support the construction of similar university and secondary school alliances, promote cooperation in running schools and vocational education, deepen cooperation in language teaching, increase exchanges between students of the two countries, and carry out cooperation in digital education。

  The two sides will deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, expand personnel exchanges in the industry, tap the cooperation potential in basic research, applied research and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and jointly tackle cutting-edge areas of science and technology and common issues of global development, including addressing and adapting to climate change。We will explore new models of cooperation in technologies and industries such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 5G, digital economy, and low-carbon economy。

  The two sides will strengthen exchanges and exchanges between museums, libraries, art galleries, theaters and other cultural, literary and art institutions of the two countries。The two sides will expand tourism cooperation and exchanges and encourage the building of a comfortable tourism environment。

  The two sides will deepen cooperation in the field of healthcare,We will expand exchanges between scientific research and higher medical education,Strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the supervision of drugs and medical devices,Cooperation will be carried out in disaster medicine, infectious diseases, oncology, nuclear medicine, maternal and child health care, ophthalmology, psychiatry and other fields,Strengthen relevant cooperation in multilateral platforms such as the World Health Organization, BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the G20 and APEC。

  The two sides will continue to cooperate in health and epidemic prevention to deal with the threat of the epidemic。The two sides will jointly oppose attempts to restrict States' sovereign rights in the prevention and control of infectious diseases and in the early warning and response to biological threats through the formation of legally binding mechanisms within the framework of international organizations。

  The two sides spoke highly of the positive results achieved in the 2022-2023 Year of Sports Exchange between China and Russia, and will continue to strengthen sports cooperation in various fields and promote the common development of sports in the two countries。China supports Russia in hosting the Future Games, an international e-sports event, in Kazan, Russia, in 2024.。The two sides oppose the politicization of sports and hope that sports can play a unique role in promoting unity and peace。

  The two sides welcome the relevant initiatives and decisions of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia, jointly safeguard the Olympic values, and are willing to build a good platform for eligible athletes from all countries to participate in the games。

  The two sides will continue to strengthen cooperation in Marine scientific research, Marine ecological protection, Marine disaster prevention and reduction, and Marine equipment research and development, and continue to deepen practical cooperation in polar scientific research, environmental protection and scientific expeditions, so as to contribute more public goods to global Marine governance。

  The two sides are willing to work together to upgrade cooperation in emergency management, cooperate in aviation rescue technology, emergency monitoring and early warning, personnel training and other fields, organize joint emergency rescue exercises and training, including in border areas, and strengthen information sharing and cooperation in maritime search and rescue。

  The two sides are willing to strengthen policy communication and cooperation in the audio-visual field of radio and television networks, promote cooperation in co-production, program mutual broadcasting, technology research and development and application, and promote common development of the industry。

  The two sides agreed to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in media, think tanks, publishing, social sciences, archives, literature and art。

  The two sides will cooperate in strengthening ideological and moral education of young people, provide opportunities for self-development, entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity and other growth activities for young people of the two countries, strengthen direct exchanges between young people of the two countries, and expand joint youth projects。

  The two sides will continue to carry out bilateral activities in the fields of volunteerism, entrepreneurship, industrial innovation and creativity, and children's groups, and coordinate with each other at the multilateral youth platforms within the framework of the United Nations, BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia and the G20。


  The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to firmly upholding the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order based on international law and the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter,Oppose all forms of hegemonism, unilateralism and power politics,Oppose cold war mentality,opposition,We oppose the establishment of small circles targeting specific countries。

  The Russian side pointed out that China's concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind is of positive significance to strengthening the unity of the international community and jointly addressing common challenges。China speaks highly of Russia's constructive and unremitting efforts to promote the building of a just multipolar international relationship。

  Both sides support building an open world economy,We will uphold the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core,We will promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation,He called for an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory development environment,Oppose unilateralism and protectionism,Oppose "building walls" and "decoupling chains",Oppose unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure。

  The Russian side highly values the Global Development Initiative and will continue to participate in the work of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative。The two sides will continue to urge the international community to focus on development issues, increase investment in development, jointly push for positive outcomes of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Summit, and accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development。

  The two sides are deeply concerned about the grave challenges to international security and believe that all peoples share a common destiny and that no country should seek its own security at the expense of the security of others。The two sides call on the international community to actively participate in global security governance under the principle of extensive consultation and joint contribution, earnestly consolidate global strategic stability and maintain common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and make good use of international mechanisms such as arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation。In this regard, the two sides reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive approach to improve the international security architecture with The Times and make it more resilient。One of the core pillars of this architecture should be to agree on and adhere to the principles and provisions of peaceful coexistence in the current historical phase, minimizing the possibility of conflict between States。The permanent members of the UN Security Council bear special responsibility for maintaining world peace and stability. All the more, they should avoid conflicts to the greatest extent possible。

  Both sides condemn terrorism in all its forms,It is committed to promoting the international community to establish a global united front against terrorism with the United Nations at its core,Oppose politicizing and adopting "double standards" on combating terrorism and extremism,We condemn acts of combating international terrorism and extremism and using terrorist and extremist organizations to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and achieve geopolitical goals。An objective, impartial and professional investigation should be conducted into the explosion of the Nord Stream pipeline。

  The two sides are determined to continue close coordination on regional and global security affairs, including joint implementation of global security initiatives, timely exchange of views and coordination of positions on major international and regional issues, and contribute to maintaining world peace and security。

  The two sides have conducted fruitful bilateral and multilateral cooperation to tackle the global COVID-19 pandemic and safeguard the life and health of people in the two countries and the world。The two sides support the two countries to deepen information sharing on the epidemic, strengthen coordination and cooperation at the WHO and other platforms, and jointly oppose politicized attempts to trace the origin of the virus。


  The two sides will continue to work closely to promote a greater role and influence of the SCO in maintaining peace, security and stability in the region。The two sides will work with other member states to improve the current work of the SCO, effectively respond to new challenges and threats, and deepen multilateral and mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, culture and people-to-people exchanges in Asia and Europe。

  The Russian side highly appreciates China's successful hosting of the 14th BRICS Summit。The two sides stand ready to work with other members of the BRICS countries to implement the consensus reached at previous BRICS leaders' meetings, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, actively promote discussions on expanding the membership of BRICS countries and the New Development Bank, actively carry out "Brick Plus" cooperation and BRICS peripheral dialogue, and safeguard the common interests of emerging markets and developing countries。

  The two sides will strengthen cooperation in China-Russia-India, China-Russia-Mongolia, as well as platforms such as the East Asia Summit, the ASEAN Regional Forum and the ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting Plus。China and Russia will deepen cooperation and coordination with ASEAN and continue to consolidate ASEAN's centrality in the regional architecture。

  The two sides believe that UNESCO's role as a universal intergovernmental platform for people-to-people exchange should be further strengthened, genuine multilateralism should be upheld, and professional dialogue on the platform of mutual respect should be promoted to promote efficient communication, consensus building and solidarity among member States。The two sides encouraged UNESCO and the SCO to strengthen cooperation on issues of common interest on the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the SCO Secretariat and UNESCO。

  The two sides are committed to strengthening coordination under the G20 and other multilateral mechanisms, promoting the G20 to address prominent international economic and financial challenges, improving a fair and equitable global economic governance system, better reflecting the world economic landscape, and increasing the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries。The two sides support the African Union's accession to the G20。

  The two sides will strengthen coordination and cooperation under the APEC framework to promote the comprehensive and balanced implementation of the Putrajaya Vision and build an open, dynamic, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community by 2040。

  The two sides will strengthen coordination in supporting the multilateral trading system based on WTO rules and combating trade protectionism including illegal unilateral trade restrictions,Strengthen dialogue on the WTO agenda, including WTO reform,In particular, we will work to restore the normal operation of the dispute settlement mechanism by 2024,We will promote the implementation of negotiations on investment facilitation, e-commerce and other joint initiatives,The WTO should play a bigger role in global economic governance。

  The two sides firmly condemn the politicization of multilateral platforms and attempts by certain countries to cram irrelevant issues into the agenda of multilateral platforms and dilute the primary tasks of relevant mechanisms。


  The two sides stressed the importance of the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on the Prevention of Nuclear War and the Avoidance of an Arms Race and reaffirmed that "nuclear war cannot be won or fought".。The two sides call on all signatories of the Joint Statement to abide by the concept of the Statement, effectively reduce the risk of nuclear war, and avoid the outbreak of any armed conflict between nuclear-weapon states。In the context of deteriorating relations between nuclear-weapon States, measures to reduce strategic risks should be integrated organically into overall efforts to ease tensions, build more constructive relations, and minimize conflicts in the security field。All nuclear-weapon States should refrain from deploying nuclear weapons outside their borders and should withdraw those deployed outside their borders。

  The two sides reaffirmed that the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is the cornerstone of the international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime。The two sides reaffirm their commitment to the Treaty and will continue to work together to uphold and strengthen the Treaty and maintain world peace and security。

  The two sides expressed serious concern about the consequences and risks to regional strategic stability arising from the establishment of the Trilateral Security Partnership (AUKUS) between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia and related nuclear-powered submarine cooperation programs。The two sides strongly urge AUKUS member states to strictly implement their obligations on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, and to maintain regional peace, stability and development。

  The two sides expressed serious concern over Japan's plan to release radioactive water contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident into the sea this year, and stressed the need for Japan to conduct transparent and full consultations with its neighbors and other stakeholders, as well as relevant international institutions。The two sides urge Japan to properly dispose of radioactive contaminated water in a scientific, transparent and safe manner, accept the long-term supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency and relevant countries, and effectively protect the Marine environment and the health rights and interests of the people of all countries。

  The two sides reaffirmed the importance of an early resumption of the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA and UN Security Council Resolution 2231, and called on all parties concerned to make political decisions and push for positive results in negotiations on the resumption of implementation of the JCPOA。

  The two sides reaffirm that the BWC should be fully respected, continuously strengthened and institutionalized, with a legally binding protocol including an effective verification mechanism。The two sides expressed grave concern over the biomilitary activities of the United States inside and outside their borders that seriously threaten other countries and undermine regional security, and demanded the United States to clarify this, refrain from all biological activities that violate the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), and stop obstructing the establishment of a verification mechanism for compliance within the framework of the Convention。

  The two sides are committed to the goal of a world free of chemical weapons and are deeply concerned about the politicization of the OPCW。The two sides urged the United States, as the only State party that has not completed the destruction of chemical weapons, to speed up the destruction of its stockpiles, and Japan to complete the destruction of abandoned chemical weapons in China as soon as possible。

  China and Russia are concerned that the United States is speeding up the construction of the global anti-missile system and deploying anti-missile systems around the world, strengthening the incapacitated high-precision non-nuclear strategic strike capability, and advancing the deployment of land-based medium - and short-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific and Europe and providing them to its Allies,We urge the United States to stop undermining international and regional security and global strategic stability in order to maintain its unilateral military superiority。

  China and Russia oppose the attempts of certain countries to turn outer space into a territory of military confrontation, and oppose the use of outer space to achieve military superiority and take military actions。The two sides advocate on the basis of the China-Russia draft Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects,Start negotiations on a legally binding multilateral instrument as soon as possible,To provide fundamental and reliable safeguards against an arms race, the weaponization of outer space and the use or threat of use of force against outer space objects。The two sides agreed to pursue the international initiative/political commitment of no first deployment of weapons in outer space on a global scale in order to consolidate international peace, ensure equal and indivisible universal security, and enhance the predictability and sustainability of the research and use of outer space by all countries for peaceful purposes。

  The two sides attach great importance to the issue of AI governance and are willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on AI。

  The two sides oppose militarization of the ICT sector and restrictions on normal ICT development and cooperation, and support the building of a multilateral, fair and transparent global Internet governance system on the premise of ensuring the sovereignty and security of all countries in Internet governance。The two sides welcomed the work of the UN Open Working Group on Security in the Use of Information and Communications Technologies and Information Security 2021-2025 as the only UN process in the field of international information security。The two sides believe that a new and responsible code of conduct for States in information cyberspace, in particular a universal international legal instrument, should be developed。China's Global Data Security Initiative and Russia's concept paper on an international Convention on Information Security will make important contributions to the formulation of relevant guidelines。The two sides support the elaboration by the UN AD Hoc Committee of a comprehensive international convention against the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes。


  The two sides have taken strong measures to address and adapt to climate change, actively carried out cooperation, established and operated greenhouse gas emission trading systems, voluntarily implemented climate projects, and made important contributions to the exchange of experience between countries and regions on issues such as mitigation and adaptation to global warming。

  The two sides reaffirm their commitment to the objectives, principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, in particular the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, uphold genuine multilateralism, and promote the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement。The two sides stressed that accelerating financial support from developed to developing countries is critical to enhancing mitigation actions and addressing inequities in access to finance。The two sides oppose erecting trade barriers and politicizing climate issues under the pretext of addressing climate change。

  The two sides highly appreciated the outcomes of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity hosted by China and hoped that the outcomes would make positive contributions to the global biodiversity governance process。The two sides firmly promote international cooperation and exchange on biodiversity, actively implement the objectives of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and jointly promote harmonious development between man and nature and contribute to global sustainable development。


  The two sides believe that the purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be observed and international law respected。The Russian side spoke positively of China's objective and just position on the Ukrainian issue。The two sides oppose any country or group of countries seeking military, political and other advantages at the expense of the legitimate security interests of other countries。The Russian side reiterated its commitment to the early resumption of peace talks, which China appreciates。俄方欢迎中方愿为通过政治外交途径解决乌克兰危机发挥积极作用,欢迎《靠谱买球app推荐》文件中阐述的建设性主张。The two sides pointed out that the settlement of the Ukraine crisis must respect the legitimate security concerns of all countries and prevent the formation of camp confrontation and pouring fuel on fire。The two sides stressed that responsible dialogue is the best way to steadily resolve the issue。To this end, the international community should support relevant constructive efforts。The two sides called on all parties to stop all actions that aggravate the situation and delay the fighting, so as to prevent the crisis from further worsening or even getting out of control。The two sides oppose any unilateral sanctions that are not authorized by the UN Security Council。

  The two sides urge NATO to honor its commitment as a regional and defensive organization, and call on NATO to respect other countries' sovereignty, security, interests and diversity of civilizations, history and culture, and to view the peaceful development of other countries in an objective and fair manner。The two sides expressed grave concern over NATO's continued strengthening of military and security ties with Asia-Pacific countries, which undermines regional peace and stability。The two sides oppose cobbling together a closed and exclusive bloc structure in the Asia-Pacific region to create bloc politics and camp confrontation。The two sides pointed out that the United States adheres to the Cold War mentality and pursues the "Indo-Pacific strategy", which has a negative impact on regional peace and stability。China and Russia are committed to building an equal, open and inclusive security system in the Asia-Pacific region that does not target any third country, so as to safeguard regional peace, stability and prosperity。

  The two sides agreed that maintaining peace and stability in Northeast Asia serves the interests of all relevant parties。The two sides oppose extraterritorial military forces undermining regional peace and stability and call on relevant countries to abandon the Cold War mentality and ideological prejudice, exercise restraint and refrain from taking actions that endanger regional security。

  The two sides expressed concern over the situation on the Korean Peninsula and urged relevant parties to remain calm and exercise restraint and strive to ease the situation. The US side should respond to the DPRK's legitimate and reasonable concerns with concrete actions so as to create conditions for the resumption of dialogue。The two sides have always stood for maintaining peace and stability on the Peninsula, including the realization of denuclearization on the Peninsula, and jointly advocated and promoted the establishment of a peace and security mechanism on the Peninsula. They believe that sanctions and pressure are neither desirable nor feasible, and dialogue and consultation are the only way out of the Peninsula issue。The two sides will continue to maintain close communication and coordination, and continue to push forward the political settlement process of the Peninsula issue in accordance with the "dual-track approach" and the principle of phased and synchronous progress。The two sides called on relevant parties to actively echo the joint efforts of China and Russia to promote peace talks and play a constructive role in this process。

  The two sides stand for maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East, support regional countries in strengthening strategic autonomy, resolving hotspot issues through dialogue and consultation, and oppose interference in the internal affairs of regional countries。The two sides welcomed the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran through dialogue and supported a comprehensive and just settlement of the Palestinian issue on the basis of the two-State solution。We support Syria's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and promote a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned package political settlement process。We stand for upholding the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Libya and promoting a package political settlement process led and owned by the Libyan people。The two sides will strengthen communication and synergy on their respective security initiatives in the Gulf region and work together to build a collective security architecture in the Gulf region。

  The two sides believe that the CSTO has made positive contributions to regional security and that China and the CSTO have potential for cooperation in maintaining regional peace and stability。

  The two sides are willing to strengthen cooperation, support the Central Asian countries in safeguarding their sovereignty and safeguarding national development, and oppose the implementation of "color revolution" by external forces and interference in regional affairs。

  The two sides will strengthen communication and coordination on African affairs, maintain a sound and healthy atmosphere for international cooperation in Africa, support African countries' efforts to independently resolve African issues, and contribute to peace and development on the African continent。China and Russia will continue to consult on Latin American affairs, strengthen communication and dialogue, attach importance to developing bilateral relations with Latin American and Caribbean countries, and continue to promote stability and prosperity in the region。

  The two sides maintain that the Arctic should continue to be a place of peace, stability and constructive cooperation。

  President of the People's Republic of China President of the Russian Federation

      习近平          弗·弗·普京

  Moscow, 21 March 2003 

(Source: People's Daily) 

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