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The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have issued 28 measures to promote the development of the private economy

Update time:2023/8/1 Number of page views: 507

In order to thoroughly implement the decision of the Party Central Committee and The State Council on promoting the development and growth of the private economy,Fully Implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy,To promote and solve the prominent problems facing the development of the private economy,We will stimulate the development of the private economy,We will boost confidence in the private sector,The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued a Notice on the implementation of several recent measures to Promote the Development of the Private economy (hereinafter referred to as the Notice)。

It is proposed that among major national projects and projects that make up for shortcomings, projects with a certain income level and relatively mature conditions are selected to form a list of major projects that encourage private capital participation。Promote the healthy development of the platform economy, and continue to introduce "green light" investment cases for platform enterprises。Support specialized and new "little giant" enterprises and high-tech enterprises to file in the local national intellectual property protection center, and carry out rapid pre-examination, rapid confirmation of rights, and rapid rights protection。

The following is the full text of the notice:

National Development and Reform Commission and other departments

Notice on implementing several recent measures to promote the development of the private economy

No. 1054 (2023)

Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Emergency Management, Audit Office, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, China Securities Regulatory Commission, State Intellectual Property Administration, National Energy Administration, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce:

In order to thoroughly implement the decision of the Party Central Committee and The State Council on promoting the development and growth of the private economy,Fully Implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy,To promote and solve the prominent problems facing the development of the private economy,We will stimulate the development of the private economy,We will boost confidence in the private sector,The following measures are proposed。

First, promote fair access

1. Among major national projects and projects that make up for weaknesses, we will select projects with a certain income level and relatively mature conditions to form a list of major projects that encourage private capital to participate in。By holding major project promotion meetings, opening columns on the national online approval and supervision platform for investment projects, etc., project information is centrally released to private enterprises, and projects are actively guided to be implemented。In accordance with the above measures, each region will form a list of projects to encourage private capital participation and strengthen promotion。(Responsible unit: National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce)

2. We will expand the issuance scale of real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the infrastructure sector, and encourage eligible private investment projects to issue infrastructure REITs to further expand private investment。(Responsible unit: National Development and Reform Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission)

3. Support private enterprises to participate in major scientific and technological research, and take the lead in undertaking key tasks in the fields of industrial software, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, gene and cell medicine, and new energy storage。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Science and Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

4. Enhance the supply capacity of private enterprises in the key links of the industrial chain and supply chain, and cultivate a number of characteristic industrial clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises in counties across the country。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

5. Promote the healthy development of the platform economy, and continue to introduce "green light" investment cases for platform enterprises。(Responsible units: National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Market Regulation, People's Bank of China)

6. Support specialized and new "little giant" enterprises and high-tech enterprises to file in the local national intellectual property protection center, and carry out rapid pre-examination, rapid confirmation of rights, and rapid rights protection。(Responsible unit: State Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology)

7. We will carry out actions to upgrade the quality management system certification of private enterprises and improve the quality and technological innovation capabilities of private enterprises。Support private enterprises to take the lead in setting up international industry and standards organizations。Continue to carry out the activity of "Metrology Service for small and medium-sized enterprises", support private enterprises to participate in the construction of industrial metrology test centers, and improve the advanced measurement capabilities of private enterprises。(Responsible unit: General Administration of Market Regulation, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Civil Affairs)

8. In accordance with the requirements of the "Several measures to help small and medium-sized enterprises to stabilize growth and adjust structure and strengthen capacity" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Enterprise Letter (2023) No. 4), extend the policy period of increasing the reservation share of government procurement projects for small and medium-sized enterprises to more than 40% to the end of 2023。Accelerate the progress of contract payment, use credit guarantee, and facilitate the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in procurement activities。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

9. We carried out special measures to address prominent problems in project construction bidding and bidding, and adopted measures such as administrative penalties, supervision and rectification, and notification of cases, focusing on solving problems such as local protection and ownership discrimination, which were strongly reflected by a number of private enterprises。Support all regions to explore the application of electronic business license in the bidding platform login, signature, online contract signing and other businesses。(Responsible units: National Development and Reform Commission, General Administration of Market Regulation, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Water Resources, SASAC of The State Council)

10. We revised and issued a new version of the negative list for market access, and encouraged all types of business entities to enter industries, sectors and businesses that are not on the list on an equal footing in accordance with the law。(Responsible unit: National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Market Regulation)

Second, strengthen factor support

11. On the basis of the two time points of the enterprise income tax pre-payment declaration period in October of the year and the final settlement period from January to May of the next year, the pre-payment declaration period in July of the year is added as the time point to enjoy the policy, and eligible industry enterprises can declare and enjoy the additional deduction policy of research and development costs according to the regulations。(Responsible unit: State Administration of Taxation, Ministry of Finance)

12. Continue to ensure that the average processing time of normal export tax refund for export enterprises is within 6 working days, and compress the average time for normal export tax refund (exemption) for first-class and second-class export enterprises within 3 working days。We will update and publish country-specific (regional) investment tax guidelines to help private enterprises better guard against cross-border investment tax risks。(Responsible unit: State Administration of Taxation)

13. Extend the term of the Inclusive small and micro loan support tool to the end of 2024, and continue to increase inclusive financial support。Guide commercial banks to access financing and credit service platforms such as "Xinyi Loan" and local credit investigation platforms, and strengthen cross-departmental credit information connectivity。We will expand credit loans to private enterprises。We will effectively implement the management system for writing off bad debts in financial enterprises。(Responsible unit: People's Bank of China, National Development and Reform Commission, Financial Supervision and Regulation Administration)

14. We will expand the new model of central-local cooperation to increase credit for private enterprise bonds to all types of private enterprises that meet the issuance conditions, and form more demonstration cases as soon as possible。(Responsible unit: China Securities Regulatory Commission, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance)

15. To meet the land needs of private small, medium and micro enterprises, explore the implementation of industrial chain land supply, and implement the overall supply of many land involved in industrial chain related projects。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

16. In addition to laws, regulations and relevant policies, within the scope of urban planning and construction land, the investment interface of water supply, gas and power supply enterprises is extended to the red line of enterprise building zoning free of charge。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)

17. Private enterprises are granted the right to evaluate professional titles, and private enterprises above designated size with strong technical strength are allowed to set up professional title evaluation committees independently or jointly to carry out independent evaluation。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security)

Third, strengthen the rule of law

18. We will review and abolish regulations and normative documents that violate the principle of equal protection for all types of ownership, and strengthen protection and support for the development of the private economy。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Justice)

19. In accordance with Article 33 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties, specific circumstances shall be specified in such key areas as urban management, ecological and environmental protection, and market supervision。Issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Standardizing and Supervising the Setting and Implementation of Administrative Fines。Carry out a special review of fines in administrative regulations and departmental rules, and publicize the results to the public。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, General Administration of Market Regulation, Ministry of Emergency Management)

Fourth, improve enterprise-related services

20. We will comprehensively build a pro-clean relationship between government and business, support all regions in exploring different ways to serve private enterprises, make full use of digital means such as the national integrated government service platform to improve the efficiency of pro-enterprise policies and services, and take multiple measures to help private enterprises solve their problems。(Responsible unit: All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission)

21. Establish a management system for the list of intermediary services related to enterprise administrative licensing, and matters not included in the list will no longer be accepted as conditions for administrative approval, and those that need to be new in the future will be set up and included in the list management in accordance with legal procedures。Intermediary services will be included in the integrated government service platform at all levels, and the whole process of agency selection, fee payment, report uploading, and service evaluation will be handled online, and open to social supervision。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, General Administration of Market Regulation, National Development and Reform Commission)

22. We will intensify efforts to settle accounts owed by private enterprises, focusing on settling accounts owed by government agencies, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises to small, medium-sized and micro enterprises。Audit departments accept the clues of arrears reported by private enterprises and strengthen audit supervision。(Responsible units: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Audit Office, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, General Administration of Market Regulation)

23. Comprehensively implement the simple cancellation and ordinary cancellation systems, and improve the "one network service" platform for enterprise cancellation。We will improve supporting policies and measures for the shut-down system。(Responsible unit: General Administration of Market Regulation, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, State Administration of Taxation)

24. In addition to the need for confidentiality according to law, the formulation and revision of enterprise-related policies should fully listen to the opinions and suggestions of entrepreneurs。The adjustment of enterprise-related policies should set a reasonable transition period。(Responsible unit: National Development and Reform Commission)

Fifth, create a good atmosphere

25. Smooth channels for enterprise-related complaints at different levels,On the "Internet + Supervision" platform of The State Council, a special announcement on the collection of enterprise-related issues was opened,A column for soliciting enterprise-related issues will be set up on the complaints and suggestions system of the national government affairs service platform,Each region combines its own reality,Complaints about enterprises will be included in government service platforms such as the "12345" hotline,Establish a follow-up mechanism for transferring rectification。We will continue to assess the business environment of 10,000 private enterprises。(Responsible unit: General Office of the State Council, General Administration of Market Regulation, National Development and Reform Commission, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce)

26. We will launch special campaigns to crack down on counterfeits and knockdowns, and crack down on "black online mouths" and "black industrial chains" that deliberately hype up and discredit private enterprises and entrepreneurs.。(Responsible unit: Ministry of Public Security, China Securities Regulatory Commission, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce)

27. The implementation of support for the development of the private economy in various regions will be included in the annual comprehensive supervision of The State Council, the problems found will be urged to rectify, and the good experience and practice will be publicized and promoted。We will set up a special program to provide incentives and support for investment within the central budget to promote private investment, and provide incentives and support every year to a number of cities and counties with fast growth, high proportion of private investment, strong vitality, and solid measures。(Responsible unit: General Office of the State Council, National Development and Reform Commission)

28. In accordance with relevant state regulations, collectives and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the development of the private economy shall be commended and rewarded, the entrepreneurial spirit shall be promoted, and the exemplary and leading role of advanced benchmarks shall be played。(Responsible unit: All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

National Development and Reform Commission

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Science and Technology

People's Bank of China

State Administration of Taxation

General Administration of Market Regulation

General Administration of Financial Supervision

July 28, 2023

Source: CCTV News client

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