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The fifth plenary session of the tenth session of the Sanming Municipal Party Committee was held

Update time:2023/8/30 Number of page views: 836

The fifth plenary session of the tenth session of the Sanming Municipal Party Committee was held 

The plenary session was presided over by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee Li Xinghu, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee

The plenary session listened to and discussed the work report delivered by Li Xinghu, entrusted by the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee, and reviewed the Implementation Opinions of the CPC Sanming Municipal Committee and the People's Government of Sanming on Implementing the Strategy of Strengthening the Province with Private Economy in the New Era and Promoting the high-quality development of Sanming.


The tenth Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaResolution of the fifth Plenary meeting(The 10th Committee of the Communist Party of China, Sanming City, August 29, 2023Adopted at the fifth plenary meeting)

The Fifth Plenary session of the Tenth Committee of the Communist Party of China in Sanming was held on August 29, 2023。

The meeting was attended by 36 members of the municipal Committee and 8 alternate members of the Municipal Committee。Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, members of the Municipal Supervisory Commission and responsible comrades of relevant parties, some experts and scholars in the 20th National Congress of the Ming Party, representatives of the 11th Provincial Party Congress and representatives of the 10th Municipal Party Congress, and representatives of private entrepreneurs attended the meeting。


The plenary session was presided over by the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee and delivered a speech by Li Xinghu, Secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee。

The plenary session listened to and discussed the work report delivered by Li Xinghu, entrusted by the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee, and reviewed the Implementation Opinions of the CPC Sanming Municipal Committee and the People's Government of Sanming on Implementing the Strategy of Strengthening the Province with Private Economy in the New Era and Promoting the high-quality development of Sanming.。Li Xinghu explained the Opinions (Discussion Draft) to the plenary session。The plenary session fully affirmed the work of the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee since the fourth Plenary Session of the tenth CPC Municipal Committee。Agree that,市委常委会坚持Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,全面学习贯彻党的二十大精神和习近平总书记来福建、来三明考察重要讲话重要指示精神,Firmly uphold the "two establishment" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance",Push the whole city to hold the correct political direction,In-depth implementation of the "deep learning to fight for excellence, dare to fight for the first, hard work to fight for efficiency" action,Carry out "major projects",Promote high-quality development,We will do our best to stabilize the overall economic development,We will accelerate efforts to improve the quality and efficiency of industries,We will continue to deepen reforms in key areas,We will continuously raise the level of opening-up and cooperation,We will effectively improve the well-being of the people,We will work hard to build a strong barrier to safe development,We will make solid progress in building socialist rule of law and promoting ideological and cultural work,We will deepen Party building and comprehensively and strictly govern the Party,Sanming's economic and social development has made new progress and new achievements。

全会指出,习近平总书记始终高度重视民营经济发展,党的十八大以来作出一系列重要论述,为新时代民营经济发展壮大指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循。The fourth Plenary session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee issued a mobilization order to implement the strategy of a strong province with private economy in the new era, and sounded the clarion call to promote Fujian from a large province with private economy to a strong province with private economy。After years of development, the private economy has become more and more important in the city's economic and social development, and its contribution has become more and more prominent, and it has become the vitality, key and hope of Sanming's high-quality development。If the private economy is stable, the Sanming economy is stable, the private economy is active, and the private economy is strong。The whole city should bear in mind the entrust and 踔厉 work hard,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于民营经济发展的重要论述和党的二十大精神,Implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner,Serve and integrate into the new development pattern,Implementation of "two unwavering", "three unchanged" and "two healthy",Active benchmarking "Jinjiang Experience",We will fully implement the strategy of strengthening provinces with private economies in the new era,Further strengthen the problem-oriented, result-oriented,Targeted measures and multiple measures were taken simultaneously,To promote the Sanming private economy to improve quality and efficiency, transformation and upgrading, and create new advantages,Strive to make the private economy like green mountains and rivers become the pride of Sanming,Firmly support the "two establishment" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance" with solid work and achievements。

The plenary session proposed that by 2027, the city's high-quality development of private economy has achieved positive results, the private economy has achieved effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity, the core competitiveness of private enterprises has significantly improved, the contribution of private economy and society has significantly increased, and the level of business environment ranks among the forefront of the province。

The plenary session proposed to create a first-class business environment for high-quality development of the private economy。We will continue to improve the market environment for fair competition,We will improve credit incentives and constraints, regulatory law enforcement and litigation services, long-term supervision of fees charged by enterprises, regular prevention and clearing of arrears, and market-based restructuring mechanisms,We will protect the property rights of private enterprises and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs,Optimize government services,Enhance risk prevention and control capabilities,Let private enterprises operate, invest and concentrate on entrepreneurship。

The plenary session proposed to build a factor guarantee system for the high-quality development of the private economy。Focusing on financing support, human resources, land use forest, energy resources, data resources, technical resources and other aspects, strive to provide private enterprises in the city with better quality, more complete and more thoughtful all-factor service guarantee。

The plenary session proposed to stimulate the internal driving force of high-quality development of the private economy。We will enhance our capacity for scientific and technological innovation,We will promote the development of industrial clusters,Cultivate and strengthen private enterprises in echelons,We will promote high-end, intelligent and green development,Enhance brand leadership,We will encourage improvement of the governance structure and management system,We will promote the coordinated development of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises,We will actively guide our integration into regional development patterns,We will encourage private enterprises to accelerate the transformation of their business model, adjust their structure and strengthen their growth momentum,Step into the new track of bigger, better and stronger。

The plenum pointed out that the private sector should play an important role in promoting economic and social development。Guide the cultivation and growth of middle-income groups, promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, support the city's private enterprises to better fulfill their social responsibilities, and comprehensively show the new style of Mingshang in the new era。

The plenary session proposed to help the healthy growth of private economists。Smooth communication channels between government and enterprises, build a friendly and clean relationship between government and business, strengthen policy communication and guidance for expectations, improve the education and training system for private businessmen, and create an environment of public opinion that respects the innovation and entrepreneurship of the private economy。

全会要求,全市各级党组织和广大党员干部要以更高度的自觉,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于民营经济发展的重要论述,努力探索具有三明特色的民营经济发展新路子。It is necessary to accurately grasp the overall situation of the development of the private economy in our city with a clearer understanding, and show the responsibility and make the contribution in the full implementation of the strategy of strengthening the private economy in the new era。With more pragmatic measures, we should make every effort to create a high-level business environment, promote the high-quality development of the private economy, cultivate a team of high-quality entrepreneurs, and strive to create a new situation for the development of the city's private economy。It is necessary to implement the Party's leadership into all aspects of the whole process of the development of the private economy with more powerful guarantees, strengthen organizational leadership, political guidance, supervision and promotion, and publicity guidance, and solidly promote the implementation of the goals and tasks of the development of the private economy。

The plenary session stressed the need to do a good job in the second half of the year。It is necessary to objectively understand the current situation of economic development, with a sense of urgency of "can not afford to wait more slowly", maintain the tenacity of work, and make every effort to fight for the economy and promote development。We must strengthen our confidence and resolve, focus on the key work throughout the year, implement the work on specific projects, and strive to fill in the gaps, catch up, and narrow the gap。We must have the courage to take responsibility and solve problems in development。Keep working without interruption,We will fully implement all important work,One job after another,In-depth research, sink down to grasp reform, grasp projects, grasp investment, grasp the business environment,We will make coordinated efforts in the second batch of thematic education, industrial development, urban and rural development, ecological and environmental protection, people's livelihood, and security and stability,Ensure that policies are really implemented, projects are really landed, problems are really resolved, and development is effective。We must spare no effort to defend against Typhoon Sula, do a good job in scientific and precise defense, and do everything possible to ensure the safety of people's lives and property。

Call to plenary session,全市上下要更加紧密团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress,Comprehensively implement the strategic deployment of a strong province with private economy in the new era,Actively guide the city's vast number of private enterprises and private entrepreneurs to further stimulate the vitality of innovation, stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit, and stimulate the creative boom,We will make every effort to promote the private economy to become bigger, better and stronger,To accelerate the high-quality development of Sanming and strive to write a chapter of Chinese modern Fujian to make new and greater contributions!

Source: Sanming Rong Media Center (Reporter Zeng Fengqing Zhanglong/Writer Zhou Zhihong/photo)

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