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What important reform breakthroughs have Fujian made in implementing the strategy of strengthening the province with private economy in the new era?

更新时间:2023/9/16 浏览量: 2385

近日,The Opinions of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Fujian Provincial People's Government on Implementing the Strategy of Strengthening the Private Economy in the New Era and Promoting High-quality Development were officially issued,This is to fully implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话重要指示批示精神,创新和发展“晋江经验”,提振民营企业发展信心,It is urgent to stimulate the vitality of innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity in the whole society。

What are the important reform breakthroughs in implementing the strategy of strengthening the province with private economy in the new era and promoting high-quality development?The reporter interviewed the responsible person of Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission。

问:习近平总书记指出,民营经济是我们党长期执政、团结带领全国人民实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的重要力量。When participating in the deliberation of the Fujian delegation at the Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress in 2019, it was emphasized that Fujian is a large province with a private economy and should adhere to "two unwavering".。The provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have issued special opinions to make a comprehensive deployment of the implementation of the strategy of a strong province with private economy in the new era to promote high-quality development. What are the main considerations?

答:Private economy is an inherent element of China's economic system, and supporting the development of private economy is the consistent policy of the Party Central Committee。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记对正确引导民营经济健康发展、高质量发展作出一系列重要论述,反复强调“两个毫不动摇”“三个没有变”“两个健康”。The Party's 20th National Congress made strategic arrangements to promote the development and growth of the private economy。On July 14, the Party Central Committee and The State Council issued the Opinions on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy, making new major arrangements for promoting the development and growth of the private economy。这些都充分体现了以习近平同志为核心的党中央对民营经济的高度重视和对民营经济人士的真切关怀。
在习近平总书记重要论述指引下,经过多年发展,民营经济已成为福建经济的特色所在、活力所在、优势所在,呈现“七七七八九”的贡献格局。At present, the international and domestic situation is undergoing profound changes, and Fujian is at a critical stage of promoting high-quality development in an all-round way. The development of the private economy has a solid foundation, new opportunities, but also faces some challenges。本次出台的意见,全面贯彻习近平总书记关于民营经济发展的重要论述,传承弘扬习近平总书记在福建工作期间的重要理念和重大实践,坚决贯彻党中央决策部署,旗帜鲜明坚持“两个毫不动摇”,不断创新和发展“晋江经验”,We will thoroughly implement the strategy of strengthening provinces with private economies in the new era,Economic entities under all forms of ownership shall have equal access to factors of production, participate in fair market competition, and enjoy equal legal protection,We will guide private enterprises to continuously improve the quality of development through their own reform and development, compliance management, transformation and upgrading,促进民营经济发展壮大,努力让民营经济像绿水青山一样,成为福建的骄傲,In striving to write a modern Chinese Fujian chapter to make positive contributions。

问:习近平总书记在福建工作期间曾六年七下晋江调研,总结提出“晋江经验”,党的十八以来,多次强调“晋江经验”现在仍然有指导意义。The recently released Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy put forward "to innovate and develop the 'Jinjiang experience'".。《靠谱买球app推荐》是如何贯彻落实的?

答:习近平总书记在福建工作期间总结提炼的“晋江经验”,是福建民营经济发展的独特优势和宝贵财富。新时代,创新和发展“晋江经验”,就是要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Comprehensively and deeply understand and grasp the scientific concepts and working methods contained in the "Six always adhere to" and "handling the five relationships well",Continuously enrich the development of "Jinjiang experience" of the goal, task, path selection, spiritual motivation, character quality, environmental conditions, service guarantee and other content,To promote Fujian from a large province with private economy to a strong province with private economy。
First, focus on the requirements for high-quality development in the new era,Implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner,服务和融入新发展格局,Grasp the grand blueprint of new Fujian and the important requirements of "four greater",提出以创新增动能,以转型优结构,以改革激活力,以开放拓空间,以共享增福祉,We will increase efforts to encourage, support and guide private enterprises,We will promote healthy and high-quality development of the private economy,Let the private economy this "forest" more lush and vibrant。
二是聚焦优化民营企业发展环境,We will give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources,更好发挥政府作用,It is proposed to accelerate the construction of a market environment for fair competition, a legal environment with good laws and good governance, and a convenient and efficient government environment,The requirement of equal treatment of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises should be lowered from the system and law,We will encourage and support the development and expansion of the private economy and private enterprises through policies and public opinion,We will encourage private enterprises and entrepreneurs to further stimulate the vitality of innovation, inspire entrepreneurial enthusiasm, and stimulate creative upsurge。
三是聚焦营造良好社会氛围,Carry forward the fine tradition of Fujian, which is pro-business and pro-business,Continue to stimulate private entrepreneurs dare to be the first, dare to fight to win the spirit of the characteristics,全面构建亲清政商关系,提出畅通政企沟通渠道,深入践行企业家精神,加强民营企业党的建设,促进民营经济人士健康成长,To build a patriotic dedication, law-abiding business, entrepreneurship and innovation, return to the community of outstanding entrepreneurs,We will make Fujian a rich place that values business, favors business and loves business。

问:The plenary session of the Provincial Party Committee stressed the need to promote high-quality development and make the "forest" of the private economy more "solid and prosperous".。What are the specific measures in guiding private enterprises to practice the new development concept and consciously take the path of high-quality development?

答:The "Opinions" will be a complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept into the whole process of the construction of a strong province with private economy in the new era,Guide private enterprises to improve the quality and efficiency of products and services,More to the industrial chain supply chain value chain of the middle and high-end and basic key links concentrated development,We will achieve unity in the quality, structure, scale, speed, efficiency and safety of development。
一是坚持科技自立自强。强化企业技术创新主体地位,We will improve the management system and the mechanism for transforming achievements of institutions of higher learning and research institutes,Actively introduce "big courtyard, big institute, big platform and big organization",In-depth implementation of outstanding engineer training and other talent programs,We will support private enterprises in undertaking and implementing major scientific and technological projects,To participate in the construction of a multi-level platform system for scientific and technological innovation,Build an integrated community of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, talent chain,以创新驱动增添动能,Promote the private economy to become an important force to achieve scientific and technological self-reliance and independent control of the industrial chain。
二是坚持发展实体经济。加快推进产业补链延链升链建链,Create industrial clusters with reasonable layout and distinct regional characteristics,整合提升产业平台,培育一批世界一流企业,Guide leading enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises deep integration, embedded development,We will promote high-end, intelligent and green development,Support private enterprises to extend the direction of core parts and high-end manufactured products design and research and development,开展数字化共性技术研发,以产业转型优化结构,Promote the private economy to become an important force in building a modern industrial system。
三是坚持规范和引导。We will improve the market-oriented restructuring mechanism, guide private enterprises to improve their governance structure and management system through their own reform and development and compliance operations, strengthen total quality management, build a brand structure system, and support active participation in mixed-ownership reform。We will standardize and guide the healthy development of capital in accordance with the law, study the list of projects that encourage the participation of private capital and strengthen promotion, guide private enterprises to deeply integrate into the new security pattern, establish a comprehensive risk management system, strengthen the production guarantee of core basic parts and components, and improve the resilience of industrial chain and supply chain。

问:What measures have been proposed in the Opinions on promoting private economic services and integrating into the new development pattern?

答:The Opinions focus on promoting institutional openness, support private enterprises to build a global Fujian business economic and trade cooperation network, deeply integrate into the domestic and international "double cycle", enhance the expansion space with openness, promote private enterprises to make better use of both international and domestic markets and resources, and become an important force to actively serve and integrate into the new development pattern。
一是深度融入全国统一大市场。We will eliminate policies that impede the unification of the market, including local protection, market segmentation, and designated transactions。Guide private enterprises to actively participate in major national strategies and the construction of New Fujian Province, actively link up the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, make full use of platforms such as pan-Pearl River Delta regional cooperation and Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Anhui regional cooperation, and strengthen inter-provincial industrial docking cooperation。
二是鼓励提高国际竞争力。We will support private enterprises in making full use of rules such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and exploring overseas markets。Guide private enterprises to optimize the layout of research and development, production and marketing services, and accelerate the cultivation of world-renowned brands。Private enterprises are encouraged to participate in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, and participate in the construction of key industrial parks such as China-Indonesia, China-Philippines economic and trade innovation and development Demonstration parks and China-Saudi Arabia (Fujian) Industrial Cooperation Zone。We will support the integration of private enterprises into cross-Straits demonstration zones for integrated development。Accelerate the construction of an industrial chain system rooted in Fujian and facing the world。

问:The plenary session of the Provincial Party Committee stressed that we should focus on optimizing the business environment and let the private economy enjoy the "forest" of "sunshine and rain".。What measures do the Opinions have in accelerating the creation of a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment and stimulating the vitality of the private economy?

答:Focusing on the concerns of private enterprises, the "Opinions" proposed to create a first-class business environment to support the development of the private economy, remove institutional obstacles that restrict private enterprises from fair participation in market competition, safeguard the property rights of private enterprises and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and fully stimulate the vitality of the private economy。
一是打造公平竞争的市场环境。全面落实公平竞争制度,加强政务诚信建设,持续破除市场准入壁垒,全面开展市场准入效能评估,We will review and standardize the preconditions and approval standards for administrative examination and approval, licensing, record-keeping and other government services,We will clean up discriminatory regulations and practices related to the nature of enterprises, such as industry access, qualification standards, and industrial subsidies,以有序竞争筑牢基石,We will enhance the vitality of private enterprises to participate in fair market competition。
二是打造良法善治的法治环境。深化海丝中央法务区建设。Accurately apply laws and regulations on dealing with illegal activities of private economic entities,We will standardize mandatory property-related measures and procedures for the disposal of property involved,We will intensify efforts to protect the original innovation of private micro, small and medium-sized enterprises,Establish a rapid and coordinated protection system for intellectual property rights at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and the execution level,Implement "impunity for first violation" and "minor impunity" in enterprise-related administrative law enforcement in accordance with the law,以公正法治稳定预期,Enhance the confidence of private enterprises to pursue development without distractions。
三是打造便利高效的政务环境。创新政府管理和服务方式,建设企业掌上服务专区,推动政务服务“一网好办”,全面推行惠企政策“免申即享”,健全涉企收费长效监管机制,We will improve the mechanism for the regular prevention and settlement of delinquent accounts,加强对恶意拖欠账款案例的曝光,Accelerate the building of a "convenient Fujian" that can do things, do things well, and get things done,打响数字化营商环境品牌,以优质政务贴心服务,We will make it easier for private enterprises to enjoy business-friendly preferential policies。
四是打造保障有力的要素环境。Financial institutions are encouraged to launch differentiated financial products tailored to the characteristics of private enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households,深化产教融合、校企合作,We will carry out the reform of "standard land" for industrial land in an orderly manner,We will explore and improve trading mechanisms for emission rights, energy use rights, water rights, and carbon emission rights,We will accelerate the establishment of market-based systems and mechanisms for autonomous and orderly flow of factors and more efficient and fair allocation of factors,以服务提质强化保障,Enhance the level of efficient and equal access to elements for private enterprises。

问:The plenary session of the Provincial Party Committee stressed that we should strive to create a strong atmosphere of pro-business and pro-business love for business, and let the "forest" of the private economy take root in "fertile soil".。What are the specific measures in creating a social atmosphere to promote the development and growth of the private economy?

答:"Opinions" proposed to follow the law of entrepreneur growth,加强优秀民营企业家队伍建设,全面构建亲清政商关系,Accelerate the construction of private enterprises with Fujian characteristics of the whole life cycle service model and service chain,Build a benign mechanism that "cadres dare to do, localities dare to rush, enterprises dare to do, and the masses dare to create.,以亲清互促优化环境,We will strengthen the determination of private enterprises to achieve stable and long-term development。
一是主动靠前服务民营企业。Carry forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots", "four thousand", "do it right away, do real work" and so on,Improve regular communication and exchange mechanisms with chamber of commerce organizations and private enterprises,大力推进闽商回归工程,Explore the construction of "enterprise demand - platform whistle-blowing - department reporting" to help enterprises service system,Explore the establishment of leading cadres to contact the chamber of commerce inside and outside the province mechanism。Strengthen policy communication and expected guidance, implement the mechanism for entrepreneurs to participate in the formulation of enterprise-related policies, and improve the stability, continuity, and pertinency of enterprise-related policies。
二是制度化规范政商交往。We will combine strict management with kindness, and place equal emphasis on incentives and constraints. We will clarify the boundaries and bottom lines of government and business exchanges, and ensure that they are friendly and balanced, clear and productive。We will establish a sound mechanism for tolerating and correcting errors, and seriously investigate and punish problems such as lazy administration and inaction in enterprise-related services。Encourage private businessmen to actively communicate with party committees, governments and departments at all levels, and become a model of a new type of pro-clean government-business relationship。
Third, we will strengthen the construction of outstanding private entrepreneurs。We will improve the education and training system for private economists, improve the "mentoring system" for the younger generation of private economists, and promote the handover and orderly inheritance of undertakings between the old and the new。Deepen the practice of entrepreneurship, strengthen the study of Fujian business culture, summarize the growth law of entrepreneurs rich in Fujian characteristics and conforming to the trend of The Times, and study and establish "Fujian Private Entrepreneur Day".。Deepen the "joint action" of party building strong enterprises, and explore and innovate the working methods of party building in the field of private economy。

问:The Opinions put forward specific measures to guide private enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities?

答:The guidelines insist on shared development to enhance well-being,Guide private enterprises to practice the people-centered development thought,We will help narrow the gap between urban and rural development, regional development and income distribution,Actively participate in the glorious cause and public welfare charity,Achieve "rich and responsible, rich and righteous, rich and loving",成为促进共同富裕的重要力量。
一是引导培育壮大中等收入群体。We will improve policies on creating jobs through entrepreneurship and encourage private enterprises to create more jobs on their own initiative。Guide private enterprises to actively participate in the construction and reform of industrial workers, improve the wage distribution system, increase the proportion of labor remuneration in the primary distribution, and build harmonious labor relations, so that the fruits of enterprise development benefit all employees more equitably。
二是引导促进城乡区域协调发展。Support private enterprises to participate in rural revitalization, develop rural characteristic industries according to local conditions, and actively participate in the "ten thousand enterprises revitalizing ten thousand villages" action。We will support private enterprises in participating in mountain and maritime cooperation in the new era, and guide private enterprises in coastal areas to move to mountain areas in an orderly fashion。
三是支持更好履行社会责任。Encourage and guide private economic personnel to be doers of development and devotees of the new era, and integrate the concept of social responsibility into corporate strategy, daily operations, and the whole life cycle of products。Encourage private enterprises to participate in emergency disaster relief and support national defense construction。We will guide private enterprises to participate in overseas projects in an orderly manner and abide by local laws and regulations when going global。

问:"Opinions" put forward a series of real policy measures, how to promote the implementation of various measures, see results?

答:We will implement the requirements of the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, and work with relevant parties to do the following work。
一是坚持高位统筹协调。Establish a strategic coordination mechanism for the full implementation of the new era's private economy strong province, build a "1+N" policy system for the implementation of the new era's private economy strong province strategy, carry out comprehensive reform of the development environment of the new era's private economy, consolidate departmental responsibilities, and implement the Party's overall leadership into all aspects of the whole process of work。
二是营造良好氛围。Strengthen the publicity and reporting of the advanced deeds of outstanding entrepreneurs, accelerate the construction of a strong province with private economy in the new era, guide the whole society to have an objective, correct and comprehensive understanding of the private economy and private economic personnel, and regularly carry out the commendation of outstanding private entrepreneurs and excellent private enterprises in Fujian Province。Strengthen the tracking and monitoring of public opinion related to the private economy, and severely crack down on blackmail and other acts using negative public opinion as blackmail in accordance with the law。
三是及时做好总结评估。We will continue to improve the digital monitoring and supervision mechanism for the business environment。We will strengthen statistical monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the private economy。We will clarify the responsible units and the time for promoting strategic important tasks, strengthen supervision and supervision of implementation, and ensure that all tasks and measures are effective。鼓励各地结合实际大胆探索,不断创新和发展“晋江经验”,对行之有效的经验做法以适当形式予以固化,及时推广,为丰富发展习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想贡献福建经验。


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