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Policy "timely rain" added impetus to the recovery of consumption

Update time:2020/4/16 Number of page views: 1096

At present, while preventing and controlling the COVID-19 epidemic, China's economic and social order is also recovering at a faster pace, and people's consumption is gradually picking up。Under the combined effect of a series of policies to promote consumption, both online consumption and offline physical stores have contributed their own strength to promote consumption, and the consumption effect in many areas is obvious。

Pro-consumption policies benefit many industries

In order to further expand residents' consumption, 23 departments have recently jointly proposed 19 measures to promote consumption expansion and improve quality, some localities have reduced some taxes and fees, carried out "consumption promotion month" activities, and some businesses have organized promotional activities to promote the release of consumption momentum。

Gao Baohua, an associate researcher at the Service and Trade Institute of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, said in an interview with the International Business Daily reporter that on the one hand, the large-scale issuance of consumer vouchers can quickly activate the consumption demand for catering, tourism, accommodation, retail, books and other items that have been suppressed due to the outbreak of the epidemic, and promote consumption to make up as soon as possible。Up to now, Liaoning, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hebei, Guangxi, Sichuan and other cities such as Nanjing, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Ningbo and Shenzhen have successively launched measures to issue consumer vouchers to people。According to data, as of the beginning of April, the total amount of consumer coupons issued across the country has exceeded 5 billion yuan。

"On the other hand, with the landing of policies to encourage automobile consumption, automobile consumption is expected to usher in growth.。Gao Baohua mentioned that on March 23, the Ministry of Commerce jointly with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Health Commission and other departments issued the Notice on Supporting the resumption of business of commercial circulation Enterprises, proposing to stabilize and expand automobile consumption。3月31日,The executive meeting of The State Council has determined three tax reduction policies to encourage automobile consumption,That is, to extend the purchase subsidy for new energy vehicles and the purchase tax exemption policy for two years, to support the elimination of national three and below emission standards of diesel trucks in key areas such as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei with awards and subsidies, and to reduce the value-added tax on the sale of used cars by second-hand car dealers。In addition, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jilin, Hebei, Chongqing and other places have also introduced policies to promote automobile consumption。The implementation of the above policies will strongly promote the growth of automobile consumption。

Speaking of automobile consumption, Guan Lixin, deputy director of the Circulation and Consumption Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, told the International Business Daily reporter that from the data released by the World Bank in 2019, China's car ownership per thousand people is 173, compared with the United States and other countries, China's car consumption still has a large space。A series of policies including extending subsidies for the purchase of new energy vehicles and exemption from purchase tax policies, supporting the replacement of old models and reducing the value-added tax on used car dealers have been introduced in recent years, which are conducive to further stimulating the potential of the automobile consumer market。

In addition, cross-border e-commerce has also benefited a lot from the policy。Guan Lixin said that the outbreak of the epidemic has blocked import and export trade, and traditional foreign trade has been greatly affected。Recently, The State Council decided to set up 46 new cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones, and the number of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones across the country will increase to 105。The establishment of a comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border e-commerce is conducive to promoting the release of policy dividends, giving play to the guiding role of new business forms to promote the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade, and better coping with the impact of the epidemic。

New consumption growth is accelerating

In Gao Baohua's view, with the effective control of the domestic epidemic, consumer demand that has been significantly suppressed in the prevention and control of the epidemic may soon usher in a "retaliatory rebound", and the effect is obvious。

Guan Lixin said that most of the commodity consumption during the epidemic prevention and control period can be met through online e-commerce platforms, and the rebound after the end of the epidemic is not expected to be very obvious。However, service consumption expenditure, which meets the consumption needs of residents such as social interaction and entertainment, has been greatly inhibited during the epidemic prevention and control period and is expected to rebound quickly after the epidemic is brought under control. The rebound effect of service consumption is expected to be more obvious than that of commodity consumption。

In the process of further promoting consumption upgrading, which areas will become the new consumption growth pole?Gao Baohua thinks,First, online consumption such as "home economy" and "cloud economy" will continue to grow;Second, the outbreak of the epidemic has forced public services such as medical, health and education to strengthen their weaknesses and strengthen their systems,Consumption in public services will increase and upgrade moderately.Third, middle and high-end residents' consumption and personalized and customized residents' consumption will become the new consumption growth level。At the same time, with the "post-80s", "post-90s" and "post-00s" increasingly becoming the mainstream population of consumption, personalized, customized consumer goods and services will further increase。

Guan Lixin analysis, the following areas will become the consumption growth pole: First, automobile consumption。The consumption potential of automobiles such as new energy vehicles and used cars is expected to continue to be released, becoming an important driving force for the growth of commodity consumption。Second, import consumption。Residents to overseas consumption is blocked, in the domestic through cross-border e-commerce platforms, brand stores and other consumption of imported goods has become one of the main alternative channels, overseas consumption dividend retention is expected to promote the rise of domestic consumption of imported goods。Third, online consumption。With the change of residents' consumption habits and the adjustment of consumption concepts, community fresh electricity suppliers cover a wider range of users, online medical, education and culture and other services consumption has developed rapidly, and the proportion of online goods and services consumption is expected to increase。